A Football match in the Village

Beyond the river, there is this big power plant of NTPC. There is also a two and a half kilometer long barrage running over the river connecting the two sides. It is a part of the Thirty fourth National Highway. However, just in the outskirts there are people living their humble lives in their own majestic ways. This expedition was meant to capture their lives in their own small ways. However, we found ourselves lucky that all the villagers were actually celebrating an inter-village football tournament. Some were getting ready, some were finishing off their chores, some children were dressing themselves up only to go to this gathering.
 3rd of August, 2014, just outside the Pubarun Township, near Khejuria Police Outpost.

The farmers are packing all their stuff to go back to their homes 
in order that they can go and watch the football match with their kids.

The farmer is returning to his home in order that he can go and watch the football match with his kids. It is like a festival for them.

Boys and Girls from the nearby villages are getting ready for the match. They have completed their tuition classes early, have fed their pets and are now getting ready for going to the field to watch the much awaited football match.

The empty houses

The inquisitive eyes of the daughter asking permission to go to the football match.

The pets have been fed and the families have left for the football match.

People on their way to watch the football match.

Practice sessions before the football match.

Boys and Girls of the neighbouring villages have gathered for the football match.

The match in full swing.

I have tried to primarily focus on the sports activities in villages and the enthusiastic villagers in order to emphasize how people extract happiness out of humble endeavours.
